PCB reliability in the intended use environment. Operation life cycle. This can be achieved at work. Therefore, reliability must be given priority in the circuit board development process. But prioritizing reliability during development does not necessarily ensure its reliability. The only way to verify the reliability of the board without a doubt is through post-deployment monitoring.
However, it is possible to predict the achievement of reliability objectives by establishing PCB reliability analysis. Evaluating board reliability prior to deployment and installation has important practical benefits. These benefits include meeting customer expectations, which can translate into more and larger contracts. But before we can develop a reliability analysis plan, we first need to fully define PCB reliability analysis.
PCB reliability analysis can be defined as a set of steps or actions performed before the board is put into operation. The analysis is designed to assess the likelihood that the board will meet or exceed expectations for its functionality and durability.
These are general definitions because the specific steps or actions for analyzing board reliability may vary. However, any reliability test may include physical testing processes such as highly accelerated Life testing (HALT) and Highly accelerated Stress Screening (HASS).
Known for flexibility and rigidity - Flexible plates: with well-defined stress or bendability requirements IPC-6013D. But rigid plates have not been subjected to conventional stress tests. HALT is commonly used for critical systems PCBA, such as avionics can be used in these cases. A typical HALT consists of the following five phases.